Preparing the Emails Base
The current created modules for MTA Selor are: MySQL, LDAP and system users PASSWD.
If you want use MySQL:
Get module here.
Unzip the file in /usr/local/selor/mod
cd /usr/local/selor/mod tar xjf selor_mysql_x.x.tar.bz2
Create the database in your MySQL
mysql -uroot
Change 'mypassword' for a password of your preference
mysql> create database mail; mysql> grant all privileges on mail.* to selor@localhost identified by 'mypassword'; mysql> flush privileges; mysql> quit
Put the dump selor_mysql.sql to your new database: mysql -uroot mail < selor_mysql.sql
Now compile the module to your operating system.
32 Bits: gcc -shared -nostartfiles selor_mysql.c -o -lmysqlclient -lcrypt -Wall 64 Bits: gcc -shared -nostartfiles selor_mysql.c -o -DA64 -lmysqlclient -lcrypt -Wall -fPIC
FreeBSD: 32 Bits: gcc -shared -nostartfiles selor_mysql.c -o -L/usr/local/lib/mysql -DFreeBSD -lmysqlclient -Wall 64 Bits: gcc -shared -nostartfiles selor_mysql.c -o -L/usr/local/lib/mysql -DFreeBSD -DA64 -lmysqlclient -Wall -fPIC
Obs: Sometimes you get the below error while you tries to compile this module:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmysqlclient collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
This occurs because the compiler has not found the mysqlclient lib. You can use the -L option to indicate the location of this lib in your server. Usually this is in /usr/lib64/mysql or /usr/lib/mysql. In this case, use the '-L/usr/lib64/mysql' or '-L/usr/lib/mysql' in your compilation line.
Open the configuration file of module and set the user and password of your MySQL database (Options: 'User=' and 'Pass=') pico selor_mysql.conf
Open the configuration file of Selor (/usr/local/selor/selor.conf), seek the 'Module' option and change it to its module: pico /usr/local/selor/selor.conf
Module "/usr/local/selor/mod/ /usr/local/selor/mod/selor_mysql.conf"
The module is configured
If you want use LDAP
It is complicated to explain a step by step about Selor with LDAP module because this base is extremely diversified. In each case, in each company it has a different struct
I will spend a example with a simple base, without alias, using only default schemes that coming with LDAP.
Download LDAP module here.
Unzip file in /usr/local/selor/mod
cd /usr/local/selor/mod tar xjf selor_ldap_x.x.tar.bz2
Now, compile the module for your operating system:
Linux: 32 Bits: gcc -shared -nostartfiles selor_ldap.c -o -lldap -Wall 64 Bits: gcc -shared -nostartfiles selor_ldap.c -o -DA64 -lldap -Wall -fPIC
FreeBSD: 32 Bits: gcc -shared -nostartfiles selor_ldap.c -o -DFreeBSD -lldap -Wall 64 Bits: gcc -shared -nostartfiles selor_ldap.c -o -DFreeBSD -DA64 -lldap -Wall -fPIC
Example of a simple LDAP base (example.ldif)
# Main Entry. Company Name dn: dc=company objectclass: domain dc: company
# Domain dn:,dc=company objectclass: dNSDomain dc:
# Email dn: cn=contact,,dc=company objectclass: inetOrgPerson objectclass: top objectclass: posixAccount cn: contact gidnumber: 105 homedirectory: /home/mail/ mail: sn: contact uid: Contact uidnumber: 1000 userpassword: {MD5}59gP/u+iErfFxVcA5PcZPg==
# Email dn: cn=teste,,dc=company objectclass: inetOrgPerson objectclass: top objectclass: posixAccount cn: test gidnumber: 105 homedirectory: /home/mail/ mail: sn: test uid: Test uidnumber: 1001
# Domain dn:,dc=company objectclass: dNSDomain dc:
# Email dn: cn=test,,dc=company objectclass: inetOrgPerson objectclass: top objectclass: posixAccount cn: test gidnumber: 105 homedirectory: /home/mail/ mail: sn: test uid: Test uidnumber: 1002
Example of configuration file to access the LDAP base above:
#### Variables # %d -> Domain # %u -> Mail #
# ---- Dados de conexao ---- Host= ldap://localhost Login_dn= cn=Manager,dc=company Pass= mypassword
# ---- Atributos ---- Attr_domain= dc Attr_mail= mail Attr_pass= userpassword Attr_home= homedirectory
# ---- Buscas ---- Sch_domain_base= dc=company Sch_domain_filter= (&(dc=%d)(objectClass=dNSDomain)) Sch_user_base= dc=%d,dc=company Sch_user_filter= (&(mail=%u))
The selor_ldap module has some other configurations for search alias domains, Maildir,etc. Adjust the file /usr/local/selor/mod/selor_lap.conf according with your LDAP base.
Open the configuration file of Selor (/usr/local/selor/selor.conf), seek the 'Module' option and change this to your module. pico /usr/local/selor/selor.conf
Module "/usr/local/selor/mod/ /usr/local/selor/mod/selor_ldap.conf"
The module is configured
If you want use Selor with system users (PASSWD):
This module, Selor_passwd, supports virtual domains too, but the best modules to use all resources of Selor is MySQL and LDAP. If you want use your email server with virtual domains, is recommended to you use the MySQL module.
Download PASSWD module here.
Unzip the file in /usr/local/selor/mod
cd /usr/local/selor/mod tar xjf selor_passwd_x.x.tar.bz2
Now, compile module for your operating system.
Linux: 32 Bits: gcc -shared -nostartfiles selor_passwd.c -o -lcrypt -Wall 64 Bits: gcc -shared -nostartfiles selor_passwd.c -o -lcrypt -DA64 -Wall -fPIC
On Linux is needed compile extra module: Both versions(32 e 64 bits): gcc selor_shadowmod.c -o selor_shadowmod -lcrypt -Wall
FreeBSD: 32 Bits: gcc -shared -nostartfiles selor_passwd.c -o -DFreeBSD -Wall 64 Bits: gcc -shared -nostartfiles selor_passwd.c -o -DFreeBSD -DA64 -Wall -fPIC
The configuration file is /usr/local/selor/mod/selor_passwd.conf
If you use Linux, give special permission to selor_shadowmod
chown root. selor_shadowmod chmod 4500 selor_shadowmod
This permission is necessary to module can access 'shadow' file in Linux. In FreeBSD is not necessary
Open the configuration file of Selor (/usr/local/selor/selor.conf) and seek 'Module' option and change this to your Module: pico /usr/local/selor/selor.conf
Module "/usr/local/selor/mod/ /usr/local/selor/mod/selor_passwd.conf"
The module is configured |